Cu doar trei prezente in Campionatul National de Viteza in Coasta Dunlop 2016, pilotul bulgar Lyuben Kamenov a reusit sa urce pana pe a patra pozitie in clasamentul general al campionatului, reusind doua victorii de etapa (Trofeul Teliu si Trofeul Campulung Muscel) si un loc cinci la Marele Premiu al Brasovului, devenind unul dintre cei mai urmariti piloti de la coasta.

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RallyMax: Salut Lyuben! In primul rand felicitari pentru a doua victorie din acest sezon din Campiuonatul National de Viteza in Coasta Dunlop! Spune-ne cateva cuvinte despre cum au decurs lucrurile la ultimele doua curse la care ai concurat. (English: Hi Lyuben! First of all, congratulations for your second victory of the season in the Romanian National Hill Climb Championship! Please tell us some words about the last 2 races where you competed. How did things go there?)
Lyuben Kamenov: Prima participare la Trofeul Teliu a fost una perfecta. Am dat maximul. Sunt incantat de rezultatul la competitie. A doua cursa, la Campulung Muscel, nu s-a desfasurat cum ma asteptam. Weekend-ul a fost unul dur pentru mine, cu Lucian Radut care a facut o cursa fara eroare, dar pentru mine nu a fost la fel. El a fost cel mai rapid in cursa, dar a avut o problema cu masina. Eu, din pacate, nu am fost suficient de pregatit pentru conditii de asfalt ud, sperand ca vremea sa fie insorita iar asfaltul uscat. Chiar si obtinerea podiumului in aceste circumstante a fost un succes pentru mine, limitand pierderile.
Toate realizarile sunt rezultatele muncii si faptului ca am crezut, nu doar ale mele, dar si ale echipei mele. Fara ei, nu as fi ajuns aici.
English: My first performance at Trophy Teliu was perfect. I gave everything. I am delighted with the results before the big Romanian competition. My second race (Campulung Muscel) has not developed in the way I expected. The weekend was tough for me. Lucian Radut make error-free race, but to me it does not work the same way from training. Subsequently he was fastest in the race, but had a problem with his car. I was not sufficiently prepared for wet conditions. I was hoping the weather to be dry. Even reaching the podium in these circumstances, it was a success for me and limiting losses.
All achievements are the result of much work and faith, not only to me but myself and my team. Without them I would not go there.
RallyMax: In 2016 ai participat la trei etape in Romania, reusind sa obtii rezultate foarte bune, fiind in acest moment pe locul 4 in clasamentul general. Cum ai decis sa concurezi aici? (English: In 2016 you competed in 3 races in Romania, where you achieved great results and now you are in the fourth position in the Championship. How did you decide to compete here?)
Lyuben Kamenov: Pilotul roman Cosmin Rica este “vinovatul” pentru prezenta mea in Romania, cel care m-a vazut in Austria si astfel m-a invitat sa particip in Campionatul National de Viteza in Coasta. Intreaga echipa a fost supusa unei provocari, aceea de organiza si de stabili cum concuram in aceste competitii. Este o mare placere sa concurez alaturi de acesti buni piloti, invatand mult de la ei, vazand cum echipele lor progreseaza si cum isi dezvolta masina de competitie.
English: The Romanian pilot Cosmin Rica is the “reason” to participate here. He was watching my participation in Austria and the invitation to participate in the Romanian mountain championship came from him. I and my team were faced with a new challenge – how to organize and conduct competitions in Romania. It is a great pleasure to compete with such good pilots. I‘m learning a lot of them and see how their driving teams go forward and how to help the development of the car.
RallyMax: Dupa rezultatele bune obtinute, te gandesti sa iei parte si la ultima etapa a sezonului care va avea loc la Brasov? (English: After these great results, are you looking forward to take part in the last round of the season, which will be in Brasov City?)
Lyuben Kamenov: Momentan ma pregatesc pentru o cursa din Cehia. Imi place foarte mult Brasovul si in mod cert imi doresc sa iau startul acolo. Sper ca masina mea sa fie intr-o conditie tehnica excelenta. O sa incercam sa facem tot posibilul sa-i facem fericiti pe acesti fani fenomenali din Romania, care de la prima mea aparitie m-au sustinut.
English: Currently I’m preparing for competition in the Czech Republic. I like very much Brasov and certainly I have desire to participate. I hope that my car will be in good technical condition. We will try to make the best of our abilities and to overjoy with my team the Romanian fans. They are phenomenal, support us and give us strength from the first moment when we stepped in Romania.

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RallyMax: Ce parere ai despre Campionatul Nationa de Viteza in Coasta?Poti face comparatii cu cel din Bulgaria? Care ar fi aspectele comune? What do you think about the Romanian National Hill Climb Championship ? Can you compare it with the Championship from Bulgaria ?Are there some common aspects ?
Lyuben Kamenov: Campionatul din Romania este unul extrem de interesant si atractiv, comparandu-l cu cel din Bulgaria. Imi place extrem de mult organizarea de aici dar si conditiile si traseele, care imi dau multa adrenalina si provocarea este una mai mare. Sa combin cele doua campionate este dificil dar nu imposibil. Sper ca in 2017 sa imi fie mai usor. Impreuna cu intreaga echipa suntem pe drumul cel bun, avand parte de imbunatatiri constant si speram sa continuam si anul viitor. Scopul nostru este sa terminam in frunte intotdeauna. Trebuie sa continuam sa facem ceea ce putem noi mai bine.
English: The Romanian National Hill Climb Championship is quite interesting and attractive, compared to Bulgaria. I like it more as an organization, conditions and traces. Challenges me more and adrenaline in my blood. Combining both mountain championship is difficult but not impossible. My expectations are that in the 2017th will be easier. With my team we are moving in the right direction, improving non stop and we hope this will continue next year. Our goal is always to finish ahead. We will see. We must continue to do the best we are capable of.
RallyMax: Dupa performantele pe care le-ai dobandit in Romania, toata lumea se intreaba care sunt planurile tale de viitor si daca iti propui sa concurezi si in 2017 in CNVC ? After your skills you showed in Romania, now everybody is interested about your future plans? Do you thinking to compete in a full season in Romania in 2017 ?
Lyuben Kamenov: Pe moment, nu pot raspunde la aceasta intrebare cu siguranta. Vreau sa incerc sa particip un sezon complet in Romania, dar e prea devreme sa spun cum se vor dezvolta lucrurile. Participarile mele in strainatate sunt mult mai costisitoare decat cele din Bulgaria, costurile suplimentare de transport, cerintele tehnice suplimentare si prepararea masinii sunt doar cateva din aspectele care tin de partea financiara a participarii mele.
English: For the moment I can not answer this question definitively. I want to try to do a full season in the Romanian Hill Climb Championship, but exactly how things will develop is too early to say. My participation abroad are much more expensive than in Bulgaria. Additional transport costs, higher technical requirements and preparing the car are only part of the financial side of my participation.