La varsta de doar 16 ani, Kalle Rovanper?, fiul mai cunoscutului fost pilot din Campionatul Mondial de Raliuri, Harri Rovanper? este deja privit ca fiind unul dintre cei mai promitatori tineri piloti din Europa. Dupa doua sezoane la volanul unui Citroen C2R2 Max, tanarul pilot finlandez a trecut la o masina cu tractiune integrala in acest an, Skoda Fabia S2000 urmand ca de la jumatatea sezonului sa evolueze cu modelul Fabia R5, reusind intr-un final sa isi adjudece titlul in Campionatul Letoniei cu un total de 5 victorii.
RallyMax: Salut! In primul rand, felicitari pentru un sezon foarte bun, la finalul caruia ai avut rezultate excelente. Cum ai descrie sezonul 2016, in care ai concurat cu doua masini diferite, Skoda Fabia S2000, iar mai apoi cu noua versiune, Skoda Fabia R5? (English: Hi Kalle! First of all, congratulations for your strong season with very good results! How would you describe the 2016 season, where you competed with two different cars, Skoda Fabia S2000, and after with the newest version of the Skoda, the Fabia R5?)
Kalle Rovanper?: Sezonul 2016 a fost uimitor, am facut o treaba buna si am reusit sa luam titlul campionatului, fiind foarte fericit pentru acest lucru. (English: Season 2016 was just amazing and we did good a job trough the season and got the champions title, so I’m very happy to that.)
RallyMax: In 2014 si 2015 ai concurat cu o masina cu 2 Roti Motrice, un Citroen C2R2 Max, avand rezultate foarte bune la clasa ta. Cum ai descrie evolutia ta cu aceasta masina? A fost, din punctul tau de vedere, C2R2 Max-ul cea mai buna alegere pentru a-ti incepe cariera in raliuri? (English: In 2014 and 2015 you competed with a two wheel drive car, Citroen C2R2 Max, having very good results in your class. How would you describe your evolution with this car? Was the C2R2 Max the best choice in your opinion to start your career in the rallies?)
Kalle Rovanper?: Cred ca R2-ul a fost o masina foarte buna pentru inceput, pentru experienta pe care o aveam. Acei ani m-au ajutat foarte mult. (English: I think the R2 car is very good for starting with that experience what I did have before that and those years taught me a lot.)
RallyMax: In acest an ai concurat in Campionatul National din Letonia, unde ai castigat titlul. De ce ai concurat aici si nu in Finlanda? (English: This year you competed in the Latvian Rally Championship, where you won the title. Why did you compete here and not in Finland?)
Kalle Rovanper?: Pilotez in Letonia deoarece in Finlanda pilotii sunt nevoiti sa aiba 18 ani impliniti pentru a concura in raliuri cu dictari si masini de curse “adevarate”. (English: I’m driving in Latvia because in Finland you have to be 18 to drive in rallies with pacenotes and real rally cars.)
RallyMax: Dupa rezultatele tale foarte bune, foarte multe persoane vorbesc despre tina ca urmatorul pilot-vedeta finlandez. Ce parere ai despre asta si care sunt planurile tale, pe termen lung, in legatura cu cariera ta? Care e scoup tau pentru anii urmatori in raliuri? (English: After your great results, a lot of people are talking about the next finn rally star. What is your opinion about that and what are your future plans, on the long term, regarding you career? What is your purpose for the next years in rallying?)
Kalle Rovanper?: Da, oamenii spun asta, dar nu e o problema pentru mine, deoarece imi vad de treaba si nu ma gandesc la ceea ce spun prea mult. In urmatorii ani voi concura tot in Letonia. (English: Yeah, people are saying that but it’s not a problem for me because I just do my thing and I’m not thinking too much.Next few years are going to be in Latvia also.)
RallyMax: Care sunt planurile tale pentru sezonul 2017? In ce campionate din Europa te vom putea urmari? Vei concura cu aceeasi masina? (English: What are your plans for the 2017 season? In which of the European championships can we follow you? Will the car be the same next year, too?)
Kalle Rovanper?: Sezonul urmator voi concura tot in Letonia, cel mai probabil tot cu o masina R5, dar inca nu sunt sigur. (English: Next year we will drive in Latvia and R5 car mainly, but it’s not sure yet.)
RallyMax: Ce parere are tatal tau despre succesul pe care l-ai avut in ultimii doi ani? Poate nu ai stiut, dar Harri a fost in Cluj-Napoca in 2008, unde a luat startul la Transilvania Rally Show. (English: What does your father think about the succes you had in the last 2 years? Maybe you didn`t know, but Harri was in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in 2008, where he competed at the Transilvania Rally Show.)
Kalle Rovanper?: Cred ca tata este destul de mandru de mine si asteapta, deja, urmatorul raliu. (English: I think that father is quite proud of me and he is wating for next rally already.)
RallyMax: Cand ai inceput sa conduci o masina si in ce conditii? Care e suprafata ta preferata dintre asfalt si macadam? (English: When did you start driving a car and under what conditions? What is your favorite surface between asphalt and gravel?)
Kalle Rovanper?: Am inceput sa conduc o masina de raliu cand aveam 8 ani si in primii ani am condus, in mare parte, doar pe lacuri inghetate. Cred ca preferatele mele sunt macadamul si zapada. (English: I started to drive rally car when I was 8 and first years we drove on frozen lakes mainly. I think my favourites are gravel and snow surfaces.)
RallyMax: La varsta de 16 ani, pe langa cariera de pilot, cu ce iti mai ocupi timpul? (English: At the age of 16, besides your rally driver career what do you do in the free time?)
Kalle Rovanper?: In timpul liber fac lucruri normale cu prietenii mei si conduc diferite masini sau vehicule. (English: At free time I do normal things with my friends and I drive a lot of different machines. Thanks!)
Thank you for your involvement and we wish you much success in the future!
Photo: Timo Anis