Sezonul 2017 al TER Series l-a avut drept castigator in clasamentul TER2 pe Joachim Wagemans, tanarul belgian care a concurat cu un model R2. In 2018, pilotul ia startul in Transilvania Rally pe acelasi model R2, povestind cu el despre planurile pe acest sezon si de la cursa clujeana.
RallyMax: Salut, Joachim! Suntem incantati sa avem oportunitatea sa facem acest interviu cu tine. Pentru inceput, povesteste-ne cateva detalii despre tine si despre cariera ta in motorsport (English: Hello, Joachim! We?re pleased to have the opportunity to have this interview with you! To begin with, please tell us some details about you and your career in motorsport.)
Joachim Wagemans: Salut! Ma bucur pentru acest interviu. Sunt un pilot de 23 de ani din Antwerp, Belgia. Toata viata mea se invarte in jurul raliurilor si motorsportul reprezinta o parte importanta din viata mea, familia mea fiind foarte pasionata si muncim din greu sa realizam ceva in acest sport. Dupa ce am practicat kartingul cativa ani, cand am implinit 18 ani am facut trecerea catre raliuri, acum 5 ani. Am participat cu modele R2, in mai multe campionate din Europa, in principal in Belgia si Franta. Cele mai importante participari au fost 6 etape in WRC si sezonul trecut din TER.
English: Hi! Thanks to you to let me do this interview! I am a 23 year old driver from Antwerp (Belgium). My whole life is rally and motorsport an important part of my life, my family and me are very passionate about it and work hard to do something in the sport. I did first a few years in karting and when I turned 18 we did the step to rally’s, now already 5 years ago. Did it most of the time with a R2 car in various championships through Europe, most rally’s in Belgium and France. My biggest where 6 rounds in the WRC and last year championship in TER.)
RallyMax: In 2017 ai incheiat primul in TER2Cup, cu 3 victorii din 5 curse la care ai participat. Ce parere ai de campionat si de lupta cu ceilalti piloti? (English: In 2017 you managed to finish first in the TER2Cup, with 3 victories out of 5 rallies you competed in. How did you like the series and how did you find the competition with the other drivers?)
Joachim Wagemans: A fost foarte bine! Mi-au placut probele spciale si raliurile. Raliuri excelente de participat si o atmosfera frumoasa. Cu siguranta a fost si competitie, cu lupte stranse in fiecare raliu cu pilotii locali pentru puncte in clasament, dar cu respect intre piloti si fair-play in lupte. Diferentele nu au fost semnificativ de mari, cu masini similare implicate in lupta, asa ca ne-am distrat intreg anul intr-un cadru excelent.
English: Really good! I liked the stages and rounds what they did. Wonderfull rally’s to drive and unrivalid atmospheres. For sure there was competition! Every rally we had some hard fights with local drivers and for the points in the championship. But with respect between the drivers and fair battles. The differences where not big so everyone was driving with more or less the same cars, so we had good fun all year in awesome scenery.
RallyMax: In 2018 vei lua startul in Transilvania Rally, prima etapa TER 2018. Ce asteptari ai de la acest raliu si cum te pregatesti pentru el? (English: In 2018 you will start in Transilvania Rally, the first round of the TER Series. What are your expectations from this rally and how are you preparing for it?)
Joachim Wagemans: Nu am multe asteptari, deoarece nu am fost la acest raliu, dar am auzit lucruri bune despre el, cu atmosfera care se anunta incredibila si probe speciale interesante de pilotat.
A trecut deja ceva vreme de cand n-am mai pilotat o masina de curse, aproximativ 5 luni, astfel incat trebuie sa gasesc un ritm bun in acest eveniment. Am muncit intens intreaga iarna sa fim intr-o forma cat putem de bine. Fiecare detaliu trebuie sa fie pregatit bine, acum avem echipa noastra privata, dar incercam sa facem totul intr-un mod profesionist. In TER e important sa ai o masina fiabila, astfel incat sa castigi puncte importante de fiecare data.
English: I have not so many expectations, we never went to this rally but I heard some good things about it, atmosphere most be incredible and nice stages to drive. It is a while now that a was driving in a rally car, like 5 months so we have to find a good rhythm during this event. We worked hard whole winter with everyone to be in the best shape we can be. Every detail most be right, we have our own private team, but we try to do it in a professional way. In TER its important to have a reliable car and to win every time those points.
RallyMax: Ce stii despre probele speciale de la Transilvania Rally? Ce probe se potrivesc stilului tau de pilotaj? (English: Do you have any knowledge of the special stages of Transilvania Rally? What kind of stages fit your driving style?)
Joachim Wagemans: Nu, o sa fie o surpriza pentru noi la recunoasteri, dar am auzit ca sunt probe rapide.
English: Not really, it will be a surprise for us during the recce, I heard that its fast but that?s almost all I know.
RallyMax: Ce planuri ai pentru sezonul 2018 din TER? Iti propui sa obtii un podium? (English: What plans do you have for the 2018 season in TER? Do you expect to achieve any podium in the series?)
Joachim Wagemans: Cu siguranta, planul nostru e sa ne impunem din nou, deoarece acum am facut pregatiri mai intense decat anul trecut si avem un obiectiv clar. Cunosc probele de anul trecut, nu mai e totul nou pentru mine. Singurul semn de intrebare sunt anvelopele DMACK, dar cred ca vor functiona bine. In rest, nu exista schimbari: copilotul ramane Francois Geerlandt, mecanicii la fel ca anul trecut. E clar ca nu o sa fie usor, dar asteptam cu entuziasm sezonul 2018!
English: For sure our plan is to win it again, we have now a better preparation then last year and from the beginning a clear goal and I know the stages better, its not all new for me. The only question mark are the tires of DMACK but they will work. All the rest remains the same; co driver (Francois Geerlandt),mechanics and the same car as last year. It will be not easy again but we are looking forward!
RallyMax: Iti multumim pentru raspunsuri. Speram sa te vedem pe probele de langa Cluj saptamana viitoare. In final, te rugam sa transmiti un mesaj pentru fanii care te vor urmari de pe margine. (English: Thank you for your answers! It has been a pleasure! Hope to see you on the special stages near Cluj Napoca next week! Finally, feel free to send any message to the fans that will be watching the crews during the rally.)
Joachim Wagemans: Sper ca toata lumea sa aiba parte de un weekend excelent si sa se bucure de masini si eveniment intr-un cadru sigur. In final, vreau sa multumesc tuturor celor care au fost si sunt implicati in programul meu si, desigur, parintilor mei, care au facut posibila participarea. Ne vedem pe probele speciale!
English: Hope that everyone have an awesome weekend next week and enjoy the cars and the whole event, stay safe. At last I want to thank everyone who was involved in my program to do this and of course my parents to make this possibe. See you on the stages!