Echipa RallyMax a povestit cu un alt pilot strain despre participarea sa in TER Series la Transilvania Rally. Filip Pyck va concura la Cluj un un Mistubishi Lancer, in cadrat in Production Cup, cu care spera sa aiba o evolutie buna pe probele rapide de asfalt de langa Cluj-Napoca.
RallyMax: Salut, Filip! Ne bucuram sa avem oportunitatea sa realizam acest interviu cu tine. Pentru inceput, povesteste-ne cateva detalii despre tine si despre cariera ta in motorsport. (English: Hello, Filip! We?re pleased to have the opportunity to have this interview with you! To begin with, please tell us some details about you and your career in motorsport.)
Filip Pyck: Prima mea participare a fost la raliul de casa, Ypres Rally, in 1992, cu un VW Golf, eveniment care acum face parte din TER. In 2001 si 2002 am fost campion in Belgia la clasa N1 cu un VW Polo, in timp ce in 2011 am fost campion al clase N3 cu un Peugeot 206, ca dupa aceea sa pilotez mai multe Mitsubishi-uri si sa iau titlul in clasamentul Production in 2013. (English: My first ever rally was My home rallyYpres, now also part of The TER, back in 1992 with a VW Golf, in 2001 and 2002 I was Belgian rally champion class n1 with a VW Polo, in 2011 champion class N3 with a Peugeot 206, and from then I drove several mitsubishi?s and took the production title in 2013.)
RallyMax: Ai concurat in 2 raliuri in TER in 2017. Care este opinia ta in legatura cu acest campionat si cum ti s-a parut lupta pentru podium in TER Production? (English: You?ve competed in 2 rallies in TER Series in 2017. What is your opinion about the competition and how did you find the fight for podium in the TER Production?)
Filip Pyck: Este un campionat bine organizat, cu oameni foarte motivati, fiind o oportunitate pentru noi sa descoperim raliuri bine organizate in tari straine. Ne-am bucurat de ralurile de anul trecut si sper sa facem la fel si in 2018. (English: It?s a great organisation with very motivated people, a good oppertunaty for us to discover well organized rally?s in forain contries. We enjoyed the rallyies last year and hope to do the same now.)
RallyMax: In 2018 vei participa in Transilvania Rally, prima etapa TER Series. Care sunt asteptarile tale de la acest raliu si ce obiectiv ai in clasamentul TER Production? (English: In 2018 you will be competing in Transilvania Rally, the first round of the TER Series. What are your expectations from this rally and what do you hope to achieve in the TER Production standings?)
Filip Pyck: Dupa cum am auzit de la prietenii nostri belgieni si olandezi care au participat anul trecut, este un raliu tipic si dificil, in care speram sa ne luptam pentru podiumul TER. (English: As we heard from our Belgian and Dutch friends that entered last year, it?s a very tipical and dificult rally, we hope to fight for the TER Podium.)
RallyMax: Ce stii despre raliul care are punctul central in Cluj-Napoca? Cat de dificila crezi ca va fi lupta, luand in considerare ca multi piloti locali vor participa? (English: What do you know about the rally which is based in Cluj-Napoca? How tough do you thing the competition will be, considering many locals will compete?)
Filip Pyck: Cu doar doua treceri la recunoasteri, o sa fie dificil sa ne luptam cu pilotii locali, dar acest lucru se intampla la fiecare raliu nou, transformand provocarea intr-una mai interesanta. Despre Cluj am auzit ca este un oras interesant, pe care speram sa il descoperim putin. (English: With only two runs in recce it will be hard to fight the locals, but that is the same for every new rally, that makes the challenge more exiting. About cluj, we hered it is a very exiting city, I hope to discover a bit of it.)
RallyMax: Vei concura in toate etapele TER din 2018? Care sunt planurile tale pentru raliurile din 2018? (English: Will you compete in all the rallies in the TER Series in 2018? What are your plans for rallying in 2018?)
Filip Pyck: Planul in acest moment este sa participam la 4 raliuri, dupa Transilvania Rally avem raliul de casa, Ypres, iar apoi speram sa participam in Itala si Valais (English: The plan is to do 4 rounds at the moment, after Transylvania we have our home event Ypres after that, we hope to go to Italy and Valais.)
RallyMax: Iti multumim pentru raspunsuri! A fost o placere! In final, te rugam sa transmiti un mesaj pentru fanii care vor urmari echipajele in timpul raliului de la Cluj! (English: Thank you for your answers! It has been a pleasure! Hope to see you on the special stages near Cluj Napoca next week! Finally, feel free to send any message to the fans that will be watching the crews during the rally.)
Filip Pyck: Sper sa fie un public numeros, cu o atmosfera fantastica, dar sper ca toti spectatorii sa ramana in siguranta! (English: Hope there will be a huge crowd and great atmosphere, but to all spectators keep it safe!)