RallyMax: Salut! Pentru inceput, cum a fost pentru voi prima etapa a Hyundai Racing Trophy, Raliul Brasovului? (English: Hello! First of all, how was the first round of the Hyundai Racing Trophy, Rally Brasov, for you?)
Georgi Gvozdeykov: Raliul Brasovului a fost un adevarat test pentru echipajele Hyundai Racing Trophy. Am participat intr-un raliu organizat excelent unde conditiile au fost similare cu cele de la Monte Carlo Rally. Multa zapada si gheata, ceea ce face piloti sa se dezvolte mai bine. Suntem foarte fericiti si multumim pentru ospitalitatea din Romania si a persoanelor implicate in motorsport. (English: Rally Brasov was a real test of the Hyundai Racing Trophy crews. We participated in an excellently organized rally where the conditions were like Monte Carlo rally. A lot of snow and ice, which makes pilots much better in their development. We are very happy and thanks for the hospitality of Romania and all the people of the motorsport.)
RallyMax: Urmatoarea runda a trofeului are loc in Cluj-Napoca, la Transilvania Rally. Care sunt asteptarile pentru acest raliu? (English: The next round in the Trophy is Transilvania Rally, in Cluj-Napoca. What are your expectations for this rally?)
Georgi Gvozdeykov: Dupa participarea la Transilvania Rally anul trecut, am continuat dezvoltarea pentru acest raliu. Avem un interes enorm in participarea in acest raliu si cred ca organizarea raliului de la Cluj este la un nivel foarte, foarte inalt. Lista de inscrieri a Transilvania Rally este probabil un vis pentru multi organizatori. Suntem placut surprinsi de progresul pe care il fac raliurile in Romania, fiind in directia corecta. Asteptam cu entuziasm o cursa interesanta, cu probe speciale atractive, cu o vreme care se anunta buna si astfel credem ca o sa fie un raliu excelent. (English: We have been following the development of the Transylvania rally since last year. We have an enormous interest in participating in this rally, and now this is the fact. I thing seems to you that the organization of the Cluj-Napoca Rally is at a very, very high level. The entry list for the Transylvania rally is probably a dream for many organizers. We are surprised by the development of rally sport in Romania. This is indeed the right direction. We look forward to a very interesting race with very attractive special stages. The weather forecast is nice and will be an excellent rally.)
RallyMax: Ce stiti in prezent despre probele speciale de langa Cluj si cat de rapizi credeti ca pot fi masinile pe drumurile de asfalt? (English: What do you currently know about the special stages near Cluj and how fast do you think you can be on the asphalt roads?)
Georgi Gvozdeykov: Ce informatii avem ca background spun ca probele speciale sunt inguste si tehnice. Pilotii vor fi nevoiti sa fie mai concentrati si sa aiba o tehnica mai buna cand vor pilota. Exista si o speciala care se va desfasura noaptea, care va fi, de asemenea, o provocare pentru piloti. Raliul e gandit sa fie compact, ceea ce inseamna ca evenimentul are persoane cu experienta in domeniu. (English: What we have as background information is that the special stages around Cluj-Napoca are very narrow and technical. Pilots will need more concentration and technique when driving the car. There is also a special stage that will be driving on the headlights, which is another great challenge for the pilots. The rally is very well designed to be compact. It is obvious that Cluj-Napoca has people with a lot of professional experience.)
RallyMax: Ce parere aveti despre concuratul in Romania si cum vi se pare competitia de aici? (English: What do you think about competing in Romania and how do you find the competition here?)
Georgi Gvozdeykov: Cred ca Romania a facut deja proges in motorsport. Suntem deja pentru al treilea an in Campionatul National de Raliuri din Romania si am observat in fiecare an cum raliurile devin mai bune. Spuneti-mi cati organizatori pot azi sa ofere 104 echipaje la start? Probabil acesta este raspunsul la intrebare: aici raliurile se dezvolta intr-un mod bun, cu interes mare, si sper ca in curand sa fie un raliu de campionat mondial aici. (English: I think Romania has already made an evolution in motorsports. We have been on the Romanian Rally Championship for a third year and we have seen every year here that the rally is getting better. Tell me how many rally organizers today can offer 104 crews? This is probably the answer to your question – Here really rally sport is developing properly with great interest and soon hope to have rally from the world championship.)