Dupa ce in 2018 a fost prezent cu un Peugeot 208 R2, Joachim Wagemans a raspuns prezent invitatiei organizatorilor si la editia 2019 a Transilvania Rally. Tanarul pilot belgian a impresionat anul trecut prin viteza si constanta pe probele de la Cluj, urmand ca in acest an sa porneasca in competitie cu o Skoda Fabia R5, la prima prezenta cu acest model. Anul trecut Joachim a raspuns intrebarilor noastre si am considerat oportun sa aflam impresia belgianului despre probele de la Cluj din 2018, dar si sa luam pulsul pregatirilor inaintea raliului care se desfasoara in weekend.
RallyMax: Salut, Joachim! Am povestit intr-un interviu si anul trecut, dar intre timp ai trecut de la un model R2 la un R5. Cum a fost tranzitia catre o masina integrala si ce opinie si feeling ai cand pilotezi o masina R5? English: Hi Joachim! We have discussed last year in an interview before Transilvania Rally. Since then you switched your R2 for a R5. How was the transition to a 4wd car and what’s your feeling when driving it?
Joachim Wagemans: Salut! Anul trecut, in Madeira, la cateva luni dupa Transilvania Rally, am debutat cu un model R5. E un nivel complet diferit, cu viteza semnificativ mai mare. Dupa cateva raliuri ne-am adaptat cu viteza, dar modelul R2 a fost o etapa excelenta de pregatire, iar ambele masini sunt foarte distractiv si placut de pilotat.
English: Last year in Madeira, a few months after Transilvania Rally, we had our debut in the R5. It is a whole other level and so much faster. After a few rallies you are adapted to the speed and the R2 car was a good preparation, both being so much fun to drive!
RallyMax: Cat de mult ti-a placut participarea de anul trecut de la Transilvania Rally, cand ai obtinut un rezultat excelent – locul 9 in clasamentul general si primul in TER2Cup? English: How much did you like participating in Transilvania Rally last year, when you got a great result – 9th overall and 1st in TER2Cup?
Joachim Wagemans: A fost o cursa foarte buna pentru noi, una din cele mai bune. Desi a fost prima noastra prezenta, cu doar doua treceri la recunoasteri am avut un ritm foarte bun. Cel mai important, organizarea a fost buna, probele rapide si grozave, iar toate persoanele si celelalte echipaje au fost foarte prietenosi cu noi.
English: It was a really good race for us. One of the best I ever did. It was our first time here. With only two passages in the recce, we had a really good pace. But most of all, organisation was good, the stages are awesome and fast, and super friendly people, also the other drivers and codrivers.
RallyMax: Ce asteptari ai la editia 2019 a Transilvania Rally? Ai un anume plan sau obiectiv pentru clasamentul TER cu modelul R5? English: What are your expectations for the 2019 Transilvania Rally? Do you have any plan or target for the TER classification with your R5 car?
Joachim Wagemans: Nu avem un obiectiv pentru campionat deoarece am ratat cateva curse si am facut o greseala in Rally d’Antibes. Planul este sa ne obisnuim si sa invatam masina, fiind prima data cu o Skoda Fabia R5. Probabil va fi mai bine, dar diferit de pilotat si fata de experienta din Peugeot-ul T16, dar sa vedem ce putem realiza cu acest model.
English: For the championship not really because we missed already some races and I made one mistake in Rally d’Antibes. The plan is to learn the car because it is the first time with a Skoda. It will be better, but different to drive then my Peugeot T16. Let’s see where we can get with this car.
RallyMax: Dupa ce ai concurat pe probele Transilvania Rally anul trecut, care e opinia ta despre specialele de aici? Iti sunt pe plac, in special “Dangau”, PowerStage-ul din acest an, care are o lungime de peste 30 de kilometri? English: After competing on the stages of Transilvania Rally last year, what is your opinion on the stages here? Do you like them, especially “Dangau”, the PowerStage, which will be very long this year?
Joachim Wagemans: Este un raliu foarte rapid si dificil. Anul trecut am avut parte de temperaturi ridicate, dar si in acest an vremea poate sa fie un factor important. Trebuie sa fim atenti cu pietrisul si pietrele care sunt scoase pe drum, dar e similar pentru mine cu unele probe din Belgia.
English: It is a really fast rally and tricky. Last year was also extremely hot, but this year the weather can be a factor as well. We have to be careful with the gravel and little stones that come on the road. But its something for me, some same characters like stages in Belgium.
RallyMax: In final, iti dorim mult succes! Ce mesaj ai pentru fanii care vor veni pe probele speciale? English: Finally, we wish you good luck in the rally! What is your message for the fans that will watch the event?
Joachim Wagemans: Sa se bucure de ele! Sa aiba grija pe marginea probelor. Sper sa va intalnesc pe toti in Cluj, un oras frumos, cu multi oameni pasionati de raliuri. Va multumesc pentru amintirile frumoase de anul trecut!
English: Enjoy! And be careful next to the stages. Hope to see you all in Cluj. It is such a nice city! A lot of the people are so passionate about rally in this area. Thank you for the nice memories from last year!