Cu peste 1400 de puncte in clasamentul World Rally Ranking, Ekaterina Stratieva a fost desemnata numarul 1 in cadrul clasamentului dedicat femeilor pilot. Fosta concurenta in CNR, Ekaterina a acumulat punctele pe parcursul unui sezon 2012 plin, cu multe participari in evenimente IRC si ERC unde a reusit rezultate bune in cadrul clasei 6 si a clasamentului masinilor cu 2 roti motrice.
RallyMax:?Salut Katia! Felicitari pentru prima pozitie in clasamentul femeilor in World Rally Ranking! Cum te face acest premiu sa te simti? (Hello Katia! Congratulations for the the first place in the Women?s World Rally Ranking! How does this prize make you feel?)
Ekaterina Stratieva: Salut RallyMax! Multumesc! La inceput n-am simtit nimic (acest lucru e normal pentru mine deoarece in mod normal nu cred in succesul meu; trebuie sa schimb acest sentiment al meu), dar dupa putin timp am realizat ce s-a intamplat. In momentul in care s-a anuntat oficial, am realizat importanta premiului. M-a facut sa ma simt foarte mandra si fericita! Foarte multe persoane din raliuri m-au sunat sau contactat. Pentru mine, acest lucru inseamna ca, in final, ei au vazut ca exista doua fete tinere “The blonde and the curly” care se lupta cu barbatii pe probe. Poate dupa acest rezultat vom avea mai mult succes la sponsori si mai mult suport.?
English: Hello RallyMax! Many thanks for the congratulations! In the first moment I didn’t feel nothing (this is normal for me. Normally I don’t believe in my success, but I am working to change this feeling), but after some time I changed my mind. The moment they made this official I saw the price of it. It made me feel so proud and very happy!?Many importunate people from rally call me and try to contact me. For me this means that finally they saw that there are two young girls “The blond and the curly” that try to fight with men on the stages. Maybe after this result we will have more success for sponsors and support!
RallyMax:?Care crezi ca sunt motivele pentru care esti prima in acest clasament? (What do you think are the reasons that placed you first in the woman?s ranking?)
Ekaterina Stratieva:?Motivul: am fost rapide! 🙂 Glumesc! Dar, gandindu-ma bine, daca am fi fost lente nu am fi castigat puncte in clasamente. Punctele au fost rezultatul evolutiei noastre in IRC, ERC, ERC Cups.?
English: The reason is that we were fast 🙂 this is a joke! But now if I really think on this, if we were slow we wouldn?t have got in the classification for points. The points come from our results in IRC, ERC, ERC cups.
RallyMax: Te motiveaza acest premiu sa ai rezultate mai bune in 2013 pentru a-ti pastra prima pozitie in WRR in viitor? (Does this prize motivate you to have better results in 2013 to maintain the first place in the WRR in the future?)
Ekaterina Stratieva:?Cu siguranta, da! Nu numai ca ma motiveaza! Daca vom avea parteneri seriosi, lucrurile se pot schimba! Sunt mandra ca sunt prima femeie pilot in top40 al World Rally Ranking – pe pozitia a 37a. In acest an sper sa ajung cat mai sus in clasament.
English: Yes! ?For sure! Not only does this prize motivate me! If we have some serious partners….things can change! I am proud that in the top 40th of the WRR I am the first woman driver on 37th place. For this year I hope to go more in front.
RallyMax:?Care au fost cele mai bune momente/raliuri in 2012? (What was the best moment/rally in 2012?)
Ekaterina Stratieva:?Cel mai important moment a fost cand am primit premiul Richard Burns! Am mai avut alte momente bune cu Carmen cand ne luptam pentru o pozitie in frunte. Colegii faceau glume pe seama noastra, deoarece suntem fete si nu am fi o competitie serioasa, dar la final isi doreau sa planga deoarece am fost mai rapide si mai bune decat ei. Cel mai important pentru mine este sa am o stare buna de sanatate, sa am o relatie buna cu Carmen si echipa si sa fiu rapida!?
English: The most important moment was when I received the Richard Burns award!?We had other best moments with Carmen and this moments are when we fight for a place in front. Our colleges made jokes with us, about we being girls and not being serious competitors but at the end they wanted to cry because we were faster and better then them.?Most important for me is to have good health, to have a good relation with Carmen and the team and to go fast 🙂
RallyMax:?Care sunt planurile pentru sezonul 2013? Doresti sa participi in CNR? (What are your plans for the 2013 season? Are you willing to participate in the Romanian Championship?)
Ekaterina Stratieva:?Huuh…mi-am facut planuri dar cine stie daca vor deveni realitate! Am avut momente frumoase in CNR! Am avut rezultate bune si, de ce nu, ne-am putea intoarce 🙂 Iubesc oamenii din Romania si cateodata ma simt ca sunt parte din ea. Cateodata imi e dor de Marco, de NRT si TMS. Acesti oameni m-au ajutat mult in obtinerea succesului nostru. Baietii care au lucrat la masina au maini, creier si inimi de aur. Multumesc tuturor!?
English: Huhhhhh …. ?I have plans but who knows if they can be real! I had very nice moments from the Romanian Championship! I know that we can have better results and, why not, to come back one day 🙂 I love the people in Romania and sometimes I feel like I am a part from it! Sometimes I miss Marco, NRT and TMS …. This people helped me lot for our successes. The guys that work on my car have gold hands, brain and hearts!?Thanks to all of them!
RallyMax:?Ce planuri ai pentru raliurile internationale? (How about your plans for international rallies?)
Ekaterina Stratieva:?Planurile noastre sunt sa facem un program serios in ERC. Vreau sa particip in 8 sau mai multe runde. Ideea mea este sa incepem cu Insulele Canare…un loc extraordinar cu probe speciale foarte tehnice si oameni minunati. Cred ca avem cei mai mari fani in aceasta tara! Dar pana atunci avem doar idei, nimic serios. Cred ca “the blond and the curly” o sa fie norocoase si o sa se intoarca pe probele speciale internationale in acest an. Vom fi mai motivate, mai rapide si speram sa trecem la nivelul urmator in raliu!?
English: Our plans are to make a serious program in ERC. I want to go in 8 or more rounds. My idea is to start with Canaries Islands… great place with very technical stages and wonderful people. I think that out biggest fans are from this country!?But until this moment we have only ideas, we don?t have something serious :(?I believe that “the blond and the curly” will have luck this year to go back on the international stages. We will be more motivate, faster..and hope to go in next level from rally sport!