Prezent la toate raliurile de macadam din calendar si la unele de asfalt, Dragos Dinu este o prezenta obisnuita in cadrul clasei 11, acolo…
Andrei Hicea
Gregoire Munster: “Previous year was quite challenging, but when you love what you?re doing, it?s impossible to get enough of it”
The start of the first event in the 2019 WRC calender, Rallye Monte-Carlo, is taking place today. Between the recce of the stages, the…
Adrien Fourmaux: “The goal this season in WRC is to improve, to be able to fight for the podium”
With only two days remaining until the start of the 2019 season in the World Rally Championship, we spoke yesterday with Adrien Fourmaux, the…
With only a few days remaining until the start of the new season in the World Rally Championship, we had the honor to discuss…
George Morar: ?Cred ca prioritatea principala in cadrul evenimentelor patronate de FRAS ar trebui sa fie atragerea unui numar cat mai mare de spectatori?
Dupa perioada sarbatorilor de iarna am revenit in viteza, realizand un interviu cu unul dintre cei mai profesionisti si dedicati oameni de raliuri din…
Dupa ce primele etape s-au desfasurat in Brasov, Cluj si Arad, Campionatul National de Raliuri isi muta actiunea in Moldova, in judetul Bacau, acolo…
Sorin Badea: “Ne pregatim sa ridicam semnificativ ritmul incepand cu urmatoarea etapa”
Sezonul 2018 a adus schimbari competitionale pentru Sorin Badea: dupa ce anul trecut a luat startul cu un Hyundai i20 R5, pilotul a pornit…